Lands of the Mists

- The sun never seems to fully shine in Barovia and even the brightest day is hazy and overcast. Barovians are simple,
superstitious people and there is a sizable population of Vistani with the borders. There are many rumors circling
Barovia’s ruler, Count Von Zarovich. Some say the count is the devil itself.
- A thriving hub of trade, Borca unites the courts and intrigue of other domains with a very rich and abundant agriculture.
Borca itself possess a wide selection of natural herbs, including stimulants, narcotics and aphrodisiacs. Borcan art
thrives and the holy seat of the Church of Ezra influences the moral lives of the Borcan peasants.
- A large and diverse land that is succumbing to a catastrophe, Darkonians were once are proud of their domain and their
wizard-king Azalin Rex. Darkonians prophecies tell that the dead shall rise and claim Darkon from the living. And
now many believe that this prophecies are becoming reality.
- An aristocratic and highly civilized country, Dementlieuse society prizes traditional arts and sciences as well as new
breakthroughs in the mystical and the occult like hypnotism and seances. They are refined and appreciate beauty and learning.
- Downtrodden, overworked and terrorized, Falkovnians are oppressed by an unstoppable zombie plague. Falkovnia is a cold,
brutal military state.
- Forlorn is a small region where no one lives, several ruins dot the place, including a very old castle that
some people claim is haunted. A large lake at the bottom of the lake also holds its secrets, some people say
to see a big monster on the water.
- The last lands of the Terg, an ancient and proud culture devoted to knowledge and the arcana arts.
The curious and the foolish are drawn to Hazlan to study the ancient arcane and occult arts, however the
Terg don't show too much sympathy for strangers.
- Wild and sparsely populated and filled with dark forests, Invidians are infamous for their passionate personalities.
Vistani are known to roam the wildwood. Invidians often act impulsively, care deeply and hold a grudges. They know many
charms to ward against the dangers of the forest. Others clam Invidia is rife with witchcraft and demon worship.
- Rural and bucolic, this land holds a deep love of music and song, storytelling and poetry. Kartakans do not differentiate
between myth, legend and historical fact. Their bards teach their lessons through epic songs and stories.
- Known for its harsh winters, for much of the year sleighs and snowshoes are preferred mode of travel. Lamordians are
rational folk who reject superstition, faith and magic. Rather, Lamordians embrace science Lamordia is home to an
academy of sciences and its two cities, Ludendorf and Neufurchtenburg are centers of scientific thought. Lamordians
push the boundaries of medicine and science.
- Filled with haunted moors, crumbling estates and ancient forests, Mordentish people are practical. They are aware of the
supernatural and the restless dead, going so far as to write scholarly monographs and treatises on the subject.
They seek solace in the teachings of the Church of Ezra. They are a well read and cultured people. Mordentshire is the
largest city, situated at Arden Bay on the Sea of Sorrows.
- A beautiful domain ruled by a military sect of the church, the inquisitors fight constantly against hordes of zombies coming
from the north, vampire armies attacks from the south and the constant threat of a mighty flying beast.
Nocturnal Sea
- The Nocturnal Sea, also known as "Nebligtode" is a body of water that encompasses a handful of domains.
Nova Vaasa
- The steppes of Nova Vaasa contain a rugged people who are known for their fighting and their drinking. Their society is
split between a wealthy aristocracy and the abject poor serf. Nova Vaasans prize horsemanship and have embraced trade,
exporting crops and horses to the rest of the domains while craving the culture and sciences of the western domains.
Vice and violent crime are rampant in the cities. The Church of the Lawgiver teaches Nova Vaasan society obedience and
the divine right of rule. Nova Vaasan mercenaries put their faith in a sabre and a flintlock.
- Wealth and opportunity are readily available in the cities of Richemulot. The vineyards and fields feed the decadent urban
lifestyle and Richemuloise cuisine and culture is envied throughout the domains. Information is power, especially over
a rival, and Richemuloise trade secrets like gold. Oddly, the sprawling cities of Richemulot contain large sections of
empty and abandoned buildings. Disease and plague spreads quickly in the populated sections of the cities.
- This bleak domain is ruled by the undead, the living there are threated as cattle to sustain the vampire nobility. Despite
this fact, the vampire lords of sanguinia try to maintain diplomatic relations with it's neighbours.
Sea of Sorrows
- The western seas are more dangerous to sail than the eastern Nocturnal Sea. Mists may rise at any moment making ships
losing wind and control of the direction they are going. Also the legend of "The Relentless", an infamous ghost pirate ship
commanded by a more infamous capitain.
- This realm was once inhabited by a population of non-humans that some people describe as the fey folk. Scholars call this
civilization Aelven, and they believe they share some similarities with people tha displays traces of fey lineage.
However some tragic event happened and the fey folk all disappear, leaving behind only ruins of their beatiful cities.
- Tepestani enjoy singing, dancing and drinking. However they are constantly vigilant against witches,
the kindly ones that stalk the forests and other fey. The belenites, a sect of the Church, are harsh
with sinners. However tepest has a tradition of hedge magic, though some whisper of darker witchcraft.
- Home to verdant jungles and eerie forests, civilization is working to push the wilderness back. While the law in Valachan
is harsh and merciless, the jungle demands brutality to simply survive. Villages located in the jungle are largely
matriarchal and well protected by village warriors. Baron Von Kharkov II rules the civilized territories of Valachan.
Valachan is relatively isolated but does trade coffee and furs for firearms.
- Verbrek is forested and untamed. Most of what passes for civilization are villages along the main waterways of Verbrek,
where trade with other domains occur. Verbrekers live hard lives and are always aware of the wolves that stalk the wild
forest. Verbrekers are survivalists and are widely known as the best hunters and trackers.